The holy month of Ramadan requires perseverance and patience as it helps with reflection and positive change of self. However, it is also during that special month that people you know start to behave differently! If you fast or know any fasters, you will probably find most of the following types of people familiar.
Types of People in Ramadan #1: The “Hangry” One

This is the most common type of people you will meet during Ramadan. In fact, you might have experienced it yourself! When the “hangry” one is extremely tired and hungry, chances are they get easily mad at anything and everything.
Types of People in Ramadan #2: The “Musalsal” master

This is the one that can list all of Ramadan’s muslsalat, do the dishes after iftar in a record time just to watch all Ramadan series. If two series happen at the same time, switching between them is guaranteed. To those musalsal masters, the real question is: will there be another season of bab el hara this year?
Types of People in Ramadan #3: The Sleeping Beauties

Only one thing can wake them up… the sound of Azan on TV when it’s time for Iftar! They will sleep from sunrise until sunset without ever carrying a worry.
Types of People in Ramadan #4: The Countdowners

5 hours left before iftar… only 3 hours before we eat… there are still 20 minutes before azan… only 10 minutes left… you get the idea! we’ll break our fast when it’s time, stop counting loudly, and help us prepare for iftar instead.
Types of People in Ramadan #5: The Couch Potatoes

Hey, want to go grab some groceries with me? Nah, I can’t do it because I’m fasting… That’s what couch potatoes are all about! These kinds of people are less active when they fast and are overpowered by laziness. It’s the perfect blend of fasting excuses, Netflix binging, and severe napping.
Types of People in Ramadan #6: The Sohoor Skippers

These people are real-life legends! They rather keep sleeping and skip sohoor yet somehow are still able to hold on until Iftar time. Teach us your skills, we will be your humble apprentices.
Types of People in Ramadan #7: The Temporarily Religious

This type of people will become extremely religious only during the period of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. They interept Ramadan as a 9 to 5 job. Once they break their fast, everything goes back to normal (including listening to hard rock music)
Types of People in Ramadan #8: The Wannabe Chef

They wait for Ramadan to experiment with their newest and craziest inventions. Beware! They know that you’ll eat anything they cook because once you’re hungry and two you wouldn’t want all your good deeds gone because you wasted food.
Types of People in Ramadan #9: The REALLY Hungry One

It’s easy to spot them, you can see them munching from iftar to sohoor. Nothing can stop them from having that one little extra cup of jallab.
Types of People in Ramadan #10: The “I’m Full” One

These people are the complete opposite of the REALLY Hungry type. They really break the mood when they eat tamer and soup and claim they ate too much.
Types of People in Ramadan #11: The Workaholic

The workaholic somehow manages to work all day long with twice their usual productivity and still find time and energy to go to the gym, clean the house, cook iftar for everyone and pray at the mosque!
Types of People in Ramadan #12: The Dieter

These people believe that Ramadan is the perfect time to lose some weight. They start off fine and after a few days end up eating sweets for suhur. We know we can’t hold on for half a day so let us cheer for them for trying at least!
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