Lebanon is not the best country out there because it lacks obvious life-basic everyday needs. Despite this shortage we still love Lebanon and hope to see better days. Here’s the list of the 10 things we wish existed in Lebanon.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #1: Metro

Every Lebanese person would get excited to the idea of taking the metro when they travel. This normal everyday activity is something we never experienced. It would be great if we could take a metro to go from one city to another in Lebanon without having to drive our own cars or rent a taxi full day!
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #2: Recylcing

Recycling is an important step toward a cleaner better environment. However, this is something that almost doesn’t exist in Lebanon. Hopefully one day, we will have a proper recycling system.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #3: Clean Free Beaches

Clean, free and beaches never goes together in one sentence in Lebanon. We would like to see that day when lebanese beaches don’t cost a kidney or life (pollution) for that matter.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #4: 24/7 Electricity

This is something we all wish for! Imagine how weirdly pleasent it would feel if power never went out? No more “moteurs” or “ishtirak” to worry about!
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #5: Cheap High Speed Internet

Not sure if that post is about words that don’t go well together! Cheap and High Speed Internet don’t match in Lebanon either. You either have to pay dearly for speed (that can’t even match 25% of the speed you get if you were in another country) or you get slow internet.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #6: Free Basic Healthcare

Another thing we wish existed in Lebanon. It’s important to have free basic healthcare. People shouldn’t have to beg on hospitals door, we are civilized people right?
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #7: Public Parks

Our public parks are small, rare and not well maintained. It would be great to have more spacious green spaces around towns all over Lebanon.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #8: Bike Lanes

Using bikes in Lebanon is quite dangerous, we don’t see a lot of people biking around as we do in other countries. Bike Lanes would be a great (and healthy) addition to our towns.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #9: Security

Now that’s something we highly lack of! We never feel secure be it financially, morally or physically. We wish we could have more security.
Things We Wish Existed in Lebanon #10: Proper Caring Government

No need to elaborate on that one. Let’s just hope that one day, our government will start putting people and civilians as their first priority.
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