Adulting can be hard and this is a valid reason for us to take you over on a journey in hopes of awakening your inner child! Do you remember the countless hours you spent playing video games on the weekends? Here’s the Best 11 Video Games you played as a Lebanese Kid. Feel nostalgic yet?
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #1: Pink Panther

Who doesn’t remember this game? Pinkadelic Pursuit features our favorite pink panther character looking for keys that can unlock his deceased relative’s treasure. We helped him collect coins, overcome obstacles and walk his way through many crazy stages!
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #2: Feeding Frenzy

Feeding frenzy was one of the most played arcade games in Lebanon! If you remember it, then you were a cool kid. This game took us through levels and levels of munching fish and messing with sharks. It’s safe to say that the longer you lasted, the doper you looked. PS. Have you played Feeding Frenzy 2 yet?
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #3: Cake Mania

Cake mania was one of the most satisfying games to play. Do you remember how fun it was to bake cakes, ice them and sell them to weird behaviored customers? We do! The little decoration of top of the cakes was the most exciting part for us. What about you?
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #4: Lemonade Tycoon

Nohting is more relaxing than playing a selling lemonade simulation game. Unless you’re loosing customers… Lemonade Tycoon was a great game to kill time, watch people happily roam around buying your freshly squeezed lemons and chillin’ at home.
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #5: Tarzan

If any character in the history of popular literature and animation has ever deserved a video game, Tarzan is defenitely the number one candidate. You missed a lot if you didn’t get the chance to enjoy this awesome, detail-oriented and fluid old game during your childhood. Graphically, Tarzan is one of the most sumptuous games you ever played during childhood. Have you ever found out what happened if you found all the letters (T-A-R-Z-A-N), through the course of each level? SPOILER ALERT: you will unlock animated movies made by Disney themselves.
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #6: Age of Empires

This game have a special charm that attracts you to play it for hours and hours! You remember all these days spend creating custom scenarios, strategizing, building and expanding winning empires? Something we can’t really do in real life eh?
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #7: The Sims

The sims is a strategic life simulation video game by EA (Electronic Arts). Can you remember performing daily activities of Simis in a suburban household near a fictinal city. You could customize sims as they pursue career and relationship goals. You ould also use your Sims’ income to renovate their living space, purchase home furnishing or clothing. You could also choose to pursue a social and successful life.
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #8: Mine Sweeper

We bet that at least 90% of those who played Mine Sweeper didn’t actually know how to play it! Despite that, we kept playing it. Why? Nobody knows… It’s all in the game’s charm. If you still feel curious about how to play this game, check this minesweeper gaming tutorial. Winning it is easier than you think!
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #9: Dinner Dash

Could you forget the joy of seating weirdly dressed customers, taking their orders and watching them eat odd food? Yup! That’s dinner dash and we all appreciated this game as Lebanese kids.
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #10: Zuma

We all loved this cool frog ball fire shooting game! It was quite the challenge to survive the ancient temples of Zuma, the critically acclaimed action-puzzler from PopCap! We can surely remember an increase in heart rate as the deadly balls get closer to the golden skull. What remains a mystery though is the guardian frog.
Video Games You Played as a Lebanese Kid #11: Magic Ball

Magic Ball is that one game that blends the bits and pieces of goodness. Do you remember the cool structures that we had to bring to dust? Or the great power-ups, which in somecases would be crazy? Imagine taking the ball-duplication power-up multiple times (it would get out of control right?).
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