It is sad to be sad. But watching what Lebanese people do when they are feeling bad can be funny at times. So, here are 7 funny things Lebanese people do when sad. To how many of them can you relate?
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #1: Listen to Fairuz on repeat

“Kefak inta…” you know the drill! Everytime you’re sad you will automatically turn on Fairuz songs and play them on repeat for hours!
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #2: Binge Eating

“This is called emotional eating and this is me time!” This is something you’re really likely going to think/say. You wash away your sadness by binge eating chicken strips at Roadster Diner!
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #3: Rage Driving

When sad, Lebanese tend to take out all their rage by screaming at people on the street while. Does that mean that everyone in Lebanon is sad? This wouldn’t surprise anyone…
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #4: Social Media Stalking

DO NOT DO IT. JUST DON’T. Stalking your exes on social media will not make you feel any better.
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #5: Complain

Lebanese people will complain about every single thing in Lebanon when they’re in a bad mood. “Hal balad me2ref w kel li feh me2rfen”. No, you do not have to take out all your rage on Abu Sami, the guy at the grocery.
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #6: Share Deep Arabic Quotes

“الوقت يشفي”. Nothing’s better than a good deep arabic quote to help lebanese cope with their sadness. It’s still a funny thing though! You will find deep arabic quotes all over their social media from whatsapp statues to facebook walls.
Funny Things Lebanese People Do When Sad #7: Deny Sadness

“No, of course I am not sad.. I am so happy with my life.” Denial and Sarcasm are the two greatest things we excel at!
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