Can you imagine a lunch or dinner table without a platter of Lebanese Fattoush? It would be horrible right? You’ve been eating it your whole life but have you ever wondered how it was created? Continue reading to find out its origins!

Lebanese Fattoush Origins
Fattoush is a salad that is frequently served in middle eastern restaurants. It’s made of toasted or fried pieces of pita bread (Arabic bread) mixed with a variety of green vegetables according to season and taste and topped with some fresh chunks of tomato. The word Fattoush comes from the Arabic word “fatt” which means small pieces.

Moreover, researchers claim that the dish originated in northern Lebanon. At that time, Lebanese farmers would crush old dried leftover pita bread into small pieces. Some of them would fry it in olive oil for extra flavor and other rathered not. Once the “fatt” of bread was ready, they would add to it whatever green vegetables and herbs they had within their reach. That’s why Lebanese Fattoush ingredients may differ from one table to another. Now you know the origins of the amazing Lebanese Fattoush salad!
Bonus Content
Willing to make your own Lebanese Fattoush salad? This interesting youtube video will teach you how to prepare the best salad you’ve ever eaten! If you prefer reading recipes here’s a link.
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