It’s that time of the year again when everyone fasts. Yes, it’s the holy month of Ramadan, a month of reflection and positive change. But it’s also that time of the month when we get to meet different types of Ramadan people. Here are the 9 most common types of Lebanese people in Ramadan. Which one of these Ramadan types are you?
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #1: The Hibernating

The ones in hibernation survive Ramadan in a special way. They avoid all kinds of daylight activities and their main excuse is “I am fasting”. They wake up only when it’s time to eat and you won’t be able to approach them or wake them up before that.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #2: The Ramadan Calculator

You won’t need a calendar or a clock if you live with this type of Ramadan person. Need a countdown till Eid or the time for iftar? No need to download any app as long as they’re around. Indeed, they are the gurus of one simple yet powerful question “How long until it’s Magrib?” and they will reply with great accuracy 100% of the time.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #3: The Hangry

Hungry + Angry makes Hangry and it refers to people who get easily angered if they’re in a state of hunger. Please do not approch them before they get to break their fast at iftar time. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee your survival.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #4: The Workaholic

This type of people in Ramadan is what we all aspire for but fail to be. They somehow manage to plan their days for success, make suhur for everyone, go to their daily routine of work, perform amazingly, and still manage to work out, clean the house, cook iftar for everyone and go to the mosque. Until the day we reach your perfection!
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #5: The Overeater & The Undereater

Fasters in Ramadan are categorized into one of two groups. Those who have tamer and soup and miraculously get full and those who have an infinite amount of space in their stomach and can eat nonstop from iftar to suhur.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #6: The Complainer

These people keep on complaining all day long all Ramadan long about being hungry at least 100 times a day! They’re a good match for The Ramadan Clock since they ask every minute “is it time yet?”.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #7: The Diet Planner

This type of people believes that Ramadan is the perfect time for them to lose some weight. They start off fine and after a few days end up eating sweets for suhur. We know we can’t hold on for half a day so let us cheer for them for trying at least!
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #8: The Excuse Machine

They say they can’t because “I’m fasting” for every single question. Fasting Ramadan becomes their favorite excuse to stay away from every physical activity or human contact.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #9: The Inspirational

The holy month of Ramadan is the best time in the year to reflect upon ourselves and become better Muslims. The inpirational type of lebanese people in Ramadan makes it their sole purpose to work on a religious to-do list and stick to them faithfully. It is hard but they manage to do it and thus it inspires the people around them to do the same.
Types of Lebanese People in Ramadan #9: The Social Media Addict

This type of person will let you know what they’re eating for iftar and what they’re having for suhur. They will post mouthwatering food that makes your heart cry while you’re fasting EVERY SINGLE DAY!
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