The 12 Most Profitable Items on Different Hay Day Levels For Roadside Shop

The 12 Most Profitable Items on Different HayDay Levels For Roadside Shop

You landed here because you need a way to make quicker money on hay day and we have exactly what you’re looking for! Here is a list of the most profitable items on different Hay Day experience levels that are guaranteed to give you the maximum gain if sold on roadside shop.

1 – 17bacon & egg201
18bacon pie219
19 – 20cotton shirt241
21 – 24wooly chaps309
25 – 32violet dress327
33 – 35cherry popsicle352
37blackberry jam388
40 – 58diamond ring824
59 +blanket1,098

Now that you know everything about the profitable items in hay day, get to sellin’!

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