Lebanon is full of flaws, if we manage to fix them then we would probably be more happy and live with less daily stress! Here’s a list of 9 things we wish did not exist in Lebanon.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #1: Trash Mayhem

Lebanon is burried deep under a huge trash problem. Due to the lack of trash management and some political obstacles, we have seen some quite nasty events during the past years such as the rivers of trash. Now that’s one thing we wish never existed!
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #2: Long Traffic

How many times have we been stuck in long looooong looooooooong traffics? Sometimes because it’s raining and our sewer systems are floding, some other times because we are apparently forced to wait so important people could have the road all to themselves. In all cases, it is the most stressfuly thing one could endure after a hard day of work!
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #3: Power Cuts

The power is off again. Though, you live on the 9th floor because that’s the only apartment you could rent/inherited. At that moment, you let go of a deep sighs and use the stairs despite being VERY tired from a long day at work! How many of you had to suffer this? How many of you had to adjust their days so they could warm water, do laundry, browse the internet to the time the electricity timetable. Personally, we got tired of the sound and smell of “moteurs”. Beleive it or not, we’re one of the very few countries that suffer power cuts.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #4: Crazy Driving

The poor traffic management has lead our street to chaos. From personal experience, driving a car in Lebanon is a REAL NIGHTMARE! Thanks to bribery, quite a few citizen with fake permits are roaming free on lebanese roads. Driving around Lebanon is probably the most stressing and traumatic experience anyone could ever have.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #5: Capital Control & Hyperinflation

All the hard work of your entire life is gone in a second thanks to corruption and poor country management. Hyperinflation followed by capital control basically ruined our lives. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to spend our very own money becuase it has been trapped in banks.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #6: Useless Government

Do we really need to explain this one? While they are cutting cheese and cake, Lebanese citizens are dying of hunger and illness. You get the award for the most useless government in the world. Way to go!
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #7: Water Cuts

It’s not a bad thing to watch our for water consuption so we can be eco-friendly. What’s bad is having to call water companies for extra water because our government decides to cut our water at very random times specially when we need to shower or do our laundry.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #8: Slow Wifi

One of the worst problems in Lebanon is internet. It is very slow yet very expensive compared to other countries. Will we ever have fast wifi? Well, as long as we don’t get electricity we can forget about fast wifi.
Things We Wish Did Not Exist in Lebanon #9: Wasta

The major core of corruption is wasta! Employing someone when they don’t have the required skills just because they’re the sons/daughters of some important person or they had enough money to get their way past the system.
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