We’re going through lockdown in Lebanon v2.0 and this time, you’re running out of money because the financial crisis in Lebanon just got worse! We rounded up the best 8 free productive activities that will help you turn your gloomy lockdown in Lebanon into a great one!
Free Productive Tasks #1: Meditate, Find Your Purpose & Improve Your Mindset

You might be wondering why the first thing on this list is to meditate and improve your mindset. That’s normal! It is a quite weird thing to start with. Each Lebanese is going through a hard and difficult time. The things happening around us are nerve-wracking and depressing. However, being depressed will not help and will not lead to any improvement. That is why the first thing to do is to meditate. Ask yourself “what do I want to do with my life? What are my goals?”. Answering such questions is not easy, but we cheer for you to try your best! Digging deeper into your own religious beliefs and going back to your roots and life goals also help. Once you know who you are and what you want, everything else will be easier. The next step is to improve your mindset. Believe in a better tomorrow for you as an individual, have faith and keep trying so you never regret giving up. If you let negative thoughts get to you, you will not be able to focus on the mission you set yourself. Last but not least, understand that it is okay to be frustrated, the way we are currently living is not normal but don’t let it take control of your actions and hope. If you’re convinced and want to start meditation, finding your purpose, and improving your mindset, check the following links to get you started! Don’t be scared to discover your own ways around by trial and error. After all, you have quite some time on your hands during lockdown in Lebanon v2.0 and this is one of the best free productive tasks you will achieve.
- What is meditation? How do I get started?
- How do I find my purpose in life?
- Ways to improve your mindset
Free Productive Tasks #2: Organize Your Life

The second free productive thing to do during lockdown in Lebanon v2.0 is to organize your life. Nowadays, most of us feel “like a mess”! Find out what is going wrong in your life and fix it, improve it. In short, organize your life! We will break the process into smaller tasks. Start with the simple organization of your cupboards and computer files all the way to the harder organization of your thoughts and worries. To give you a hand, here’s a list of things to do to organize your life.
- Organize your sleep schedule. Sleeping at different times every day or not sleeping enough will make you feel awful!
- Organize your home by organizing your cupboards, fridge, closet, etc. There is nothing worse than forgetting where you placed your favorite book, finding a moldy smelly item in your fridge, or trying on some clothes that no longer serve you. The more your home is organized, the more satisfied you will be! It’s also a great time to donate what you don’t need anymore, for example, books, clothes, etc.
- Organize your computer. If you are someone like me spending most of their time on computers. Your desktop could look like a mess! Given it’s hard to purchase new computers now, you might want to keep your computer clean. By experience, organizing files is time-consuming and nerve-wracking! Make sure to take breaks in between and be patient. The end result will surely be worth it! Start by renaming your files so you can find them more easily with search and getting rid of what you no longer need. Make sure to group your files into organized folders and backing up all important pictures, videos, university/school projects, and so on.
- Organize your thoughts. Life in Lebanon is everything but easy! Things can get ugly very quickly and it is easy to get depressed. After all, another lockdown in Lebanon, preceded by a semi-nuclear bomb and financial collapse, is a bit much to sink in! Start by shifting your focus from those negative aspects to some more important things that are of matter to you. Do you like cooking for example? Let it be the first half of your thoughts. “What will I cook tomorrow?”, “I wonder if there are some easy beginner cookbooks.”, “Who’s the best cook in the world?”. The second half? Use it to calm yourself down. “I’m scared of getting affected with the pandemic” will be replaced with “It’s true I am scared of getting affected by COVID-19 but I know how to fight it! I’ll wear my mask, wash my hands, etc.” Another example could be “I’m sick of living miserably in Lebanon” could be replaced “I’m sick of living miserably in Lebanon, but this won’t stay the case if I work hard. I can do X and Y to help myself and others.”
- Check this link out for more general organization tips.
Free Productive Tasks #3: Work on Your Online Presence

Now that you have the right state of mind and have a healthy organized life, you will want to find ways to reach your goals and improve your quality of life. Start by working on your online presence! Today, everyone is on the web and we cannot deny that it became both our social and professional life. If you don’t have any online presence start by creating one! Read about social media (linkedin, facebook, instagram, etc.), meeting softwares (zoom, webex, teamviewer, etc.) and online portfolios. If you already have an online presence, improve it. Here’s a list of things you can do:
- Clean your list of friends
- Unfollow pages/groups you are no longer intrested in
- Delete/hide photos, posts or videos that you no longer consider meaningful
- Write/Update your linkedin profile
- Learn about online portfolios/CVs
- Gain knowledge in how to be socially active and responsible on online platforms
Free Productive Tasks #4: Learn a New Language

The barriers between countries are starting to break down. Despite all its negative aspects, COVID-19 brought people in different countries together through the use of online meeting platforms and social media. Don’t let language stop you from making new friends or professional contact abroad. Learn a new language that you are passionate about! It might sound crazy at first but today, this is easy and free! You’ll be surprised to find out that some of them even come in the form of dope songs to help you memorize them faster. Here’s a list of links that you could use to get started on your thrid free productive activity.
- Learn Japanese vocabulary with song
- Learn and language with Duolingo
- Learn Italian on youtube
- Learn Russian Alphabet on youtube
Free Productive Tasks #5: Learn a New Skill

It’s true that we have been struggling for a while. The best way to remedy that is to learn new skills. It’s time to upgrade yourself to the next level! You have two choices here. Either pick something you love or pick what works best in today’s market. Why not just the skill that “belongs”? Because when you love something you’re more likely to excel with it. Creativity may take breaks but never gets completely lost. If you like something, you’ll find a way to promote it and make great things out of it. If you don’t have a specific skill you like, go for one that has high demand such as web programming, graphic design, online teaching and so on. Here’s a link with the most popular jobs in 2020, it will surely help you pick up the right skills to gain. Don’t let lockdown in Lebanon and financial crisis stop you from improving and seeking a better life!
Free Productive Tasks #6: Plan Your Own Grand Ideas

Do you have your own masterpieces? An application or website or business idea that might take the world by storm? Then you should definitely start planning for it even if you don’t have the funds. Let lockdown in Lebanon 2.0 offer you the time to kickstart your project. Build it from the ground up in your mind and write it on paper. Planning ahead always generate successful outcomes. But there’s still one issue here! Where do you get the necessary funds when you are barely able to get by every month thanks to Lebanon’s crisis? One answer, don’t think about it. Just prepare the project, you never know when you will be presenting it to potential investors. If you have enough courage, you can learn how to do it by yourself by watching tutorials online and using free software. Here is a link to help you get started
Free Productive Tasks #7: Increase Your General knowledge

Lockdown in Lebanon 2.0 is the perfect time for you to expand your general knowledge. To do that, it’s very easy! Grab a book, watch documentaries, or listen to an educational podcast. Make sure to pick something you are interested in so it doesn’t sound like some kind of punishment. Do you like to learn more about animals, dinosaurs, or car manufacturing? What are you waiting for? It’s the perfect time to do that! The best thing? You never know when this knowledge might come in handy. Don’t forget to have a cup of tea or coffee with you so you make the overall experience more relaxing and fun.
Free Productive Tasks #8: Workout at Home

Exercising is part of our daily lives. Moving from one room to another is not enough to keep us healthy and energetic. It’s true that gyms are closed during lockdown in Lebanon but worry not! You can workout at home, you just need youtube! Search and find your favorite trainer online and follow their steps for a great home workout. Here’s an example to get you started on your last free productive task! Don’t forget to change the trainer or video once in a while to avoid feeling bored or unmotivated.
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